In a world separate from the humans is a place called Chou Shinkai. In this world lives super beings called Hikaribito. However, among such people are those who commit crimes. Such people are known as Kageribito. The ruler of Chou Shinkai is the Shinkai King.
1 | Daredevil | 25 minutes | Watch |
2 | Debauchery | 25 minutes | Watch |
3 | Delerious | 25 minutes | Watch |
4 | Dual-Gifted Dame | 25 minutes | Watch |
5 | Absolute Justice | 25 minutes | Watch |
6 | Natural Beauty Scenery | 25 minutes | Watch |
7 | Absurd | 25 minutes | Watch |
8 | Very Strange | 25 minutes | Watch |
9 | Cycle: Birth, Death, Rebirth | 25 minutes | Watch |
10 | Outrageous | 25 minutes | Watch |
11 | Reap What You Sow | 25 minutes | Watch |
12 | Full of Ups and Downs | 25 minutes | Watch |
13 | The First and Last Time | 25 minutes | Watch |
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download Shougeki Gouraigan, Miniseries
download Shougeki Gouraigan, Miniseries
download Shougeki Gouraigan, Miniseries