Watch Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor Online

watch Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor
Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor

Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poor Online

  • Genres: Comedy
  • Release Date: 16/09/1910
  • Duration : 6 minutes
  • Director: Lewin Fitzhamon
  • Production: Hepworth
  • Country: United Kingdom
5 /10
6 votes


Funny how we think of the loutish behaviour of some of today's teens as a modern-day phenomenon. Here, in a short film more than one hundred years old, we see two tearaways terrorising a bed-ridden old lady, sabotaging a number of honest workmen as they go about their daily work, vandalising a bakery and taking a vehicle without consent - all in the space of six frenetic minutes.
